Instructional Media Production

Well-designed instructional media can be an effective way to enhance student learning outcomes1, as well as their perceived enjoyment and satisfaction2. At the University of Minnesota, our instructional media production service, part of the Center for Educational Innovation (CEI), strives to enrich teaching and learning experiences, mirroring these same benefits.

We create a diverse array of online interactive modules, including short courses and training exercises, assignments, as well as engaging videos and animations. Our content is designed to cater to a broad spectrum of audiences, from university-wide initiatives to specific course needs. Additionally, we are exploring the use of artificial intelligence to enrich both synchronous (in-class activities) and asynchronous (Canvas assignments) teaching and learning experiences. This integration of AI not only optimizes educational outcomes but also significantly enhances the resources available to faculty and students.

This service, offered at no additional cost as a centrally funded unit, is available as long as projects meet the outlined criteria.

To explore collaborative opportunities, please reach out to James Ondrey, our instructional media producer.

Sample Projects

Slide showing reflective feedback on a problem list and rule-outs with options to go back or next that links out to the module.

In this AI Demo, you are veterinarian navigating a clinical case, offering potential diagnoses while receiving AI-generated feedback tailored to your choices and the specifics of the case.

Other Storyline projects: English Speaking Exercise for the Center for Educational Innovation


An illustration showing two veterinarians, a man and a woman, examining a black cat, with the text 'Simulated Cat Exam' overlaying the image.

This Canvas course assignment for the College of Vet Med was created in Articulate Rise and connected to the gradebook. It simulates a real world cat exam complete with knowledge checks and more. 

Other Rise projects: Preceptor Performance Improvement Program for the Medical School

A graphic with the words 'BETTER TOGETHER - Preparing for Collaborative Learning' at the top, an isometric illustration of people engaged in various educational activities below, and a 'Start' button at the bottom, along with the University of Minnesota logo and text.

Here is a short course for the Center for Interprofessional Health. This training module was created in Storyline and features many interactive elements and videos. Over 1,500 students take it yearly.

Other Storyline projects: Finding Your 'Why' for the Medical School


The logo for 'COIL - Collaborative Online International Learning', featuring a large blue 'C' with a globe inside it, next to the acronym 'COIL' in large blue letters, with the full program name underneath.

This promotional video for Global Programs and Strategy Alliance is used to market international collaboration in learning blending animation, voice over, interviews, and engaging visuals.  

Other video projects: President’s Initiative to Prevent Sexual Misconduct video series for the UMN, Science of Learning interview for the Center for Educational Innovation

How our expertise can support your instructional media needs

By leveraging your expertise as the project owner and subject matter expert, you can work collaboratively with the instructional media designer to create media that aligns with and reinforces established principles of pedagogy and instructional design. This will help to ensure that your desired learning outcomes are effectively achieved and supported by the media being produced. Throughout the production process, the instructional media designer will work closely with you, ensuring that the project meets your specific requirements. The production process typically consists of the following stages and elements:

Planning and Designing
  • Identifying purpose and learning goals
  • Conducting needs assessment and analyzing target audience 
  • Developing instructional strategies and selecting appropriate tool and media
  • Creating production design based on given choices
  • Storyboarding and asset gathering
  • Establishing review process and key stakeholders
Production and Development
  • Developing necessary artifacts, such as scripts and storyboards
  • Creating accessible media objects that meet project requirements and align with the design, such as graphics, audio, and video
  • Integrating multimedia elements and interactive features
  • Sharing production progress for revision based on feedback and review
  • Conducting quality assurance and user testing if applicable
Publishing and Distribution
  • Publishing and distributing the media in an appropriate location (e.g., learning management system, website)
  • Managing the deployment of media objects and ensuring their accessibility.
  • Establishing protocols for updates and maintenance.
  • Evaluating media effectiveness based on learning outcomes.

Engage with Us Today

Transform your instructional strategies with our media expertise. Send us your request today.

Maroon button with white text saying "Request a Consultation"


1Alshumaimeri, Y. A. (2018). The effects of multimedia instructional materials on student learning outcomes in a large-enrollment general education course. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 29(4), 493-508.

2Zhang, Dongsong; Zhou,Lina; Briggs, Robert O; & Nunamaker Jr., Jay F. 2006. Instructional Video in E Learning: Assessing the Impact of Interactive Video on Learning Effectiveness. Information and Management. 43, 15–27.